Radioactive fallout from Cold War nuclear testing exposed virtually everyone in the United States to potentially dangerous levels of radiation and contributed to about 11,000 cancer deaths, according to a study by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The radioactive exposure contributed to a minimum of 22,000 U.S. cancer cases.
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The White House has set up a shadow government of about 100 senior civilian managers who live and work secretly outside Washington. This is the first time the ?Continuity Operations Plan? to ensure survival of federal rule after an attack on the nation?s capital has been activated.

The back-up government has been put in place in case al-Quada is able to bring a portable nuclear weapon into the U.S. Intelligence operators say they have no specific knowledge of such a weapon, but the risk is great enough to justify setting up the shadow government.
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Test your brain power by taking the following tests and evaluating your results against others who have tested themselves as well. Find out if you have psychic or remote viewing abilities and see if you have a chance to win the lottery.

Card Test: This test is similar to the classic ESP card test, popularized from the 1930s to 1960s by Professor J.B. Rhine. You are shown the backs of 5 cards and asked to select one of them by clicking on the card. After the click, a card is selected at random and shown to you. Because the random selection is made after your click, this is a precognition test.
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Irritable male syndrome is a newly-recognized medical condition that turns confident, aggressive males into withdrawn, grumpy wimps. It?s caused by a sudden drop in testosterone, and affects men as well as animals, according to Gerald Lincoln of the Medical Research Council?s Human Reproductive Sciences Unit in Scotland.

The symptoms may resemble those of male menopause, but Lincoln believes the condition can affect men of any age when stress causes testosterone levels to suddenly fall.
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