In recent years, the internet has been bombarded with fake UFO footage that is really simply out-of-focus shots of commonplace objects, such as bright stars and light bulbs. UFO investigator Tom King has analyzed some of these images and found that they do not stand up to examination by a knowledgeable videographer.

King says, ? The trick is the camera lens has to be out of focus and you need just the right illumination. Millions of people with these video cameras get these images on a weekly basis trying to tape things at night. Very few end up on internet websites as UFOs.? He shows examples of similar shots he?s made by adjusting the focus on his camera.
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Al-Qaeda?s attempts to acquire nuclear weapons may have been thwarted by Russian con men, according to the Pentagon.

After analyzing containers, computer discs and papers found in their deserted Afghanistan hideouts, intelligence officers found no trace of materials which could have been used to construct a nuclear bomb.

However, they did find some canisters painted with skull and crossbones that turned out to be harmless. The manufacture of the canisters was so crude that, had they been genuine, the sellers, as well as the terrorists, would have been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation just from handling them.
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The White House seems haunted lately. ?I?ve been here 11 years and I?ve never seen anything like it,? says Vickie Agler, a former legislator who now serves as assistant to the House speaker. ?There are some bizarre things going on.?

There has been a drug bust on the Capitol steps and a flasher roaming the grounds. Senator Ken Chlouber?s 1998 black Chevy half-ton pickup truck, decorated with flames on each side, was stolen from the state Capitol parking lot, right under the eyes of the State Patrol and security cameras.
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The Moon will became full on February 27th and this full Moon is special because it?s the biggest and brightest of the year. ?Not all full Moons are alike,? says astronomy professor George Lebo. ?Sometimes pollution or volcanic ash shades them with interesting colors. Sometimes haloes form around them — a result of ice crystals in the air. This full Moon is unique in another way. It will be closer to Earth than usual.

?The moon’s orbit around our planet is not a perfect circle,? says Lebo. ?It?s an ellipse.? At one end of the ellipse (called apogee) the Moon is farthest away from Earth, and at the other end (called perigee) the Moon is closest to us.

Wednesday?s full moon was near perigee and appeared 9% wider than normal and shone 20% brighter.
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