A group of scientists in the U.S. and England says there is no proof we are experiencing global warming, and if we are, increased greenhouse gas emissions may not be the cause. They argue that temperature rise projections this century are ?unknown and unknowable? and say it?s ?a media myth? that only a few scientists share their skepticism.

The scientists, a group convened by the American George C. Marshall Institute, have published a report which claims to be ?the result of an extensive review by a distinguished group of scientists and public policy experts of the science behind recent findings of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).?
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The last three months were the warmest on U.S. record books, and January was the warmest in the 123 years that temperatures for that month have been recorded globally. The warmth stretched from western states like Montana and Oklahoma to the East Coast. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Massachusetts and Vermont saw the warmest November-January period on record.
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El Dorado, the legendary city of gold, did exist and was even evangelized by Jesuit missionaries, according to Mario Polia, an archeologist at Lima University in Peru.

The mythical city was called Paititi by the Incas and El Dorado by the Spaniards, is believed to have been the last place of refuge for the Incas when they fled with their treasures from the advancing Spanish conquerors in 1532.
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A French company will build 40,000 taxis that run on nothing but air for use in Mexico City, the most polluted city on Earth. Guy Negre, a former designer of engines for Formula 1 cars and lightweight aircraft, has been working on his ?zero pollution? design for almost 10 years. The engine gets its power from 80 gallons of air, compressed to 300 times atmospheric pressure. Negre says tests indicate that it can run for 120 miles in an urban environment, at a speed of 30 mph, and it can reach a top speed of up to 60 mph.

To recharging the car, the driver would stop at an ?air pumping? station, where the tanks would be refilled. The stop would take less than five minutes.
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