Dangerous bacteria are becoming a bigger problem than ever as new germs arrive in imported products and microbes already here evolve into new forms. In a report for the Institute of Food Technologists, scientists report that the increasing use of manure as fertilizer poses the risk of spreading harmful bacteria to food, either by contaminating irrigation water or coming into direct contact with crops.

Manure harbors bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella and is used as a substitute for chemical fertilizer on both organic and conventional crops. In some countries, chicken manure is fed to farm-raised shrimp.
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While people who claim to have come face to face Visitors from other worlds differ in the details of their encounters, there?s one thing they all have in common: they all say the Visitors spoke to them with a voice they perceived as being inside their heads.

Now John Gartner writes in wired news that we may soon be able to understand how this is done and even do it ourselves.

A new invention called the Audio Spotlight emits a one-foot square column of sound that can only be heard by people in its direct path. Joseph Pompei, of the MIT Media Lab, developed it while working as the youngest engineer at the audio company Bose, at age 16. This ?directed? audio sounds like it?s coming from right in front of you even when transmitted from a distance.
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Here?s the solution: A DIFFERENT set of cards comes up on the screen each time. That?s why the card you choose is always missing, no matter which one it is. They are ALL different.

To play the game again,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Scottish businessman Steven Clark had heard the legends of the giant mystery cats, but he never believed in them until he saw the green eyes of the Beast of Bennachie, peering through the undergrowth at him. As it glided away into the woods, it left a trail of paw-prints in the snow.

?It was a beautiful creature, sleek and completely black,? says Clark, who was driving near the Bennachie Center when he saw the animal. He was slowing down on the snowy road when he spotted the massive cat less than 50 yards ahead. ?As I approached the junction, another car was going along the Chapel of Garioch road. This big black cat appeared, with its head turned it seemed to watching that car.
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