Scientists have found a place on Earth that they believe is the same as conditions on Mars and on Jupiter?s moon Europa. Since the site is teeming with a large number of microbes, they believe that Mars and Europa could be too.

The site is Lidy Hot Springs, located in the Beaverhead Mountains in Idaho. Living in hydrothermal waters 660 feet below the surface are microscopic organisms called methanogens, which get their energy from hydrogen and produce methane as a byproduct. Scientists agree that if extraterrestrial life does exist elsewhere in the solar system, it?s probably in the form of organisms at the bottom of the food chain, which have a simple metabolism and need only hydrogen and carbon dioxide to survive.
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In a report released February 6, NOAA scientists report the ocean circulation system has been slowing down since the mid-1970?s, causing an increase in ocean surface temperatures along the Equator in the Pacific Ocean and a decrease of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

According to NOAA, ?These circulation changes are linked to the shifts in the climate of western North America, and can affect Pacific fisheries. They may be part of the naturally occurring ocean and atmosphere phenomenon called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, which has a roughly 50-year cycle. But they also could be influenced by greenhouse gases.?
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Vice President Dick Cheney says any future ?aggressive action? against Iraq will be backed by the international community. ?I think if aggressive action is required, I would anticipate that there will be the appropriate support for that both from the American people and the international community,? he says.

The Pentagon and the CIA have begun preparations for an assault on Iraq involving up to 200,000 U.S. troops later this year with the aim of removing Saddam Hussein from power.

President George Bush?s war cabinet, known as the ?principals committee? agreed at a meeting in late January that the policy of containment of Iraq has failed and that active steps should be taken to get rid of Saddam Hussein.
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The document pictured here was discussed on Dreamland on February 23, 2002, during the segment with UFO investigator Clifford Stone and reporter Leslie Kean. To see a large-sized image of the document, click on “Full Story” below, then click on the thumbnail.

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