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People who reported sleeping more than eight hours a night have a 15% greater chance of dying, for any reason, than people who sleep seven hours a night. The same danger exists for those who sleep less than four or five hours, according to researchers from the University of California and the American Cancer Society.

The use of sleeping pills is also associated with an increased death rate of 25%. However, insomniacs were not found to have any increased risk.
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Hot volcanic mantle rock that lies beneath Africa is trying to split the continent apart and could eventually create a new ocean. ?The Ethiopian rift is one of the few places in the world where we can see the transition from continental rifting to something that looks more oceanic,? says Dr. Cindy Ebinger. ?It?s a unique area worldwide.?
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Jim Goldman reports in that Leslie and Jeffrey Jacobs and their 14-year-old son Derek will be the first people to be implanted with the new Verichip I.D. chip, which is the size of a grain of rice.

?We?re doing something that is good for mankind,? Jeffrey says. ?I feel like I?m going with the flow of nature, and doing exactly what we?re here to do to improve the problems of the world.?
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