Telehypnosis is more effective than face-to-face therapy, according to a study bySusan Simpson, a clinical psychologist at Royal Cornhill Hospital in Scotland. She hypnotized 11 patients who live in the remote Shetland Islands in Scotland using a video hook-up. This allowed her to see her patients during their 1 ? hour-long sessions.
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Hungarian researcher Eors Szathmary, of the Institute for Advanced Study in Budapest, team says living organisms can be found in certain areas on Mars. He calls the areas ?dark dune spots? and says these changing features are ?probable Martian surface organisms.? His team?s evidence is based on studies of imagery from by NASA?s Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), a spacecraft now orbiting that planet.

After analyzing Mars Global Surveyor pictures, one region of Mars has been picked by the Hungarian team as a test field for the dark dune spots. That area is a ridged landform known as ?Inca City.?
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Reporter Kurt Van der Dussen writes in the Indiana Hoosier Times about a strange ape-like creature sighted along Chapel Hill Road in remote Polk Township near Hoosier National Forest.

The sighting occurred at the house of Rick Deckard and his sister, Sue Taylor, which is west of the entrance to the Hardin Ridge Recreation Area. Their friends Dale Moore and Penny Howell had just driven up when they all spotted the creature about 200 feet away from them at the back of the Deckard property.

They described it as standing in a sort of crouch on its rear legs, with its long front legs hanging down in front. It was covered in long black hair, and they estimated its height to be around 5 feet and its weight at 200 pounds or more.
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Last weekend, we put up a color game that asks you to choose a series of colors, then gives you a description of what?s going on in your life right now. Most listeners found it amazingly accurate, but it didn?t work for everyone.

If you?re green with envy because our first color game didn?t do it for you, then try this new game (and give us some feedback on whether it worked).

To play the earlier color game,click here.

To play the new game,click here.

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