The concept of ?six degrees of separation,? which is the idea that there are only 6 people between you and anyone you want to reach, came from an experiment performed in 1967 by social psychologist Stanley Milgram, who sent packages to several hundred randomly selected people in the Midwest, with the aim of getting them delivered to target people in Boston.
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Filers Files #5 for January 30, 2002, distributed by e-mail from Mufon Director George A. Filer, tells about a first ever case where a man who was abducted from his boat was able to track his ?missing time? with the Global Positioning Satellite System he had with him.

The GPS system is available for boats and cars and provides accurate time and location information within fifteen feet of the object being tracked. For a thousand dollars anyone can put a satellite tracking system into their vehicle that is about the size of a pound of margarine.
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Whitley Strieber will interview Loren Coleman, author of ?Mothman and Other Curious Encounters,? on Dreamland this Saturday. He will also talk to Dan Drasin, an independent investigator of anomalies who investigated the Mothman with John Keel. Keel, author of ?The Mothman Prophecies? and the original investigator of the Mothman phenomenon, will be interviewed on Dreamland March 9.

Buck Wolf reports in that tourists are flocking to Point Pleasant, West Virginia, the home of the Mothman, since the opening of ?The Mothman Prophecies? movie, starring Richard Gere. ?He?s our monster, so we want to make money off him,? says Hilda Austin, executive director of the Point Pleasant Chamber of Commerce. ?We don?t want anyone stealing our thunder.?
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Japanese scientist Akira Iritani has implanted spinach genes in pigs. This is the first time that plant genes have been successfully transplanted into an animal.

The pigs contain a gene called FAD2, which converts saturated fat into an unsaturated fat called linoleic acid. Iritani, of Kinki University in western Japan, says the genetically modified pigs contain 20 per cent less saturated fat than normal pigs, so they?re healthier to eat. ?I know genetically-modified food has met with poor public acceptance, but I hope safety tests will be conducted to make people feel like eating the pork for the sake of their health,? says Iritani.
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