Alberto Enriquez, in the Anchorage Daily News, writes that earthquakes don?t just cause the earth to move. They are accompanied by loud noises that broadcast at radio frequencies, and they can even produce a visible glow.

Radio interference was reported in the days before the worst quake recorded (magnitude 9.5), in Chile in 1961, as well as Alaska?s magnitude 9.2 Good Friday quake in 1964. Thirty-eight luminous displays were seen by people in Quebec before, during and after the earthquakes of November 1988.
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The 66- year-old exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, is in a hospital in Bombay, India after complaining of stomach pains. The hospital says he is in good spirits, talking and able to move around.

A spokesman for the Dalai Lama said the decision to go to Bombay was taken after a team of doctors examined him and advised him to undergo more tests. One report said they had detected a lump in his stomach. His test results will be available on Monday.

He arrived at the airport by helicopter from a Buddhist monastery at Bodghaya, where he has been staying. Witnesses said he walked onto the plane unaided and did not speak to reporters.
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A reader passed along this strange little color game. Anne Strieber tried it and says, ?It?s like it read my mind?it told me exactly what I?ve been thinking lately!?

To try it yourself, click here.

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