On the January 26 Dreamland show, Andy Thomas, Swirled News webmaster, and Gary Val Tenuta talk about the latest media debunking of crop circles.

On the website Swirled News, Carol Pedersen describes how a National Geographic television special shown in the U.S. debunked crop circles. When she confronted the producers about the show, they denied all knowledge of it, despite the fact that they?d broadcast it.

She says, ?I don?t know which people behind the scenes were responsible for putting it out, but it was only two days after October 31st and whoever did it chose and prepared a ?Halloween? set for the purpose of perpetrating mischief and deception.?
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In Lee Dye?s column on abcnews.com, he tells about how Christo Pantev, a neuroscientist at Toronto?s Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care, noticed the vitality of the elderly patients who played a musical instrument. ?I saw much more activity in these people than in the others,? says Pantev. He saw a difference even among those who were slipping into dementia. The last thing that goes, he says, is their ability to remember music.

He has developed evidence that the study of music may change the way the human brain is wired. He is trying to discover whether learning a skill, like playing the violin, physically changes the brain and if it can even prevent or delay mental deterioration among the elderly.
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An unexpectedly rapid warming of lakes on a desolate Antarctic island is evidence of global warming, according to a 20-year study by British and Canadian scientists. They say that dramatic changes have taken place in Signy Island?s lakes caused by a 1.8-degree Fahrenheit rise in air temperature.

This increase has triggered a series of changes in the lakes on the island, which is located 435 miles northeast of the Antarctic Peninsula. The scientists consider polar lakes to be early detectors of change due to global warming.
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Here is a great animation for kids, giving information about SETI, the recent Stephen Greer UFO hearings, Bluebook and more

To see the film,click here.

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