Researchers suspect that the strong magnetic fields produced by some electric appliances and vehicles increase the risk of miscarriage. ?The studies really represent state-of-the-art research into the causes of pregnancy loss,? says epidemiologist David Savitz of the University of North Carolina.

A study led by De-Kun Li, a reproductive epidemiologist at the Kaiser Foundation Research Institute in Oakland, California, asked 1,063 women around San Francisco who were in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy to spend a day wearing a meter around their waists that measured magnetic field levels every 10 seconds.
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A woman was attacked by a big ?Mystery Cat? in Scotland and has bite marks on her thigh to prove it. The woman, who does not want her name released, says the animal grabbed hold of her upper leg and hip, ripping her trousers, and leaving three puncture wounds on her thigh. ?It was a spur of the moment attack and I screamed out in pain,? she says. ?The animal was very fast and came out of nowhere. It wasn?t growling or anything so I don?t think it could have been a dog.?

Wilfred Simpson, 81, who was walking with the victim when the animal pounced, says the cat was the size of a Labrador but with a long thin body and the movements of a cat. ?I could see her trousers were all torn and she had bite marks along the back of her leg,? he says.
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Anssa Vanjoki, the 45-year-old executive vice president of Nokia?s mobile phones division, set the record for the costliest speeding ticket when he got a $103,000 fine for riding his motorcycle 46 miles an hour in a 31 mph zone in Helsinki, Finland. He?s fighting to get the fine reduced.

In Finland, traffic fines are not just based on the seriousness of the infringement, they?re also tied to the offender?s income, and there?s no upper limit. Vanjoki?s fine was based on his net income in 1999, when he made $5.2 million because of option sales. He has appealed for the fine to be based on his 2000 income, which dropped from more than $12.4 million to about $970,000.
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This is a dark time for the crop circle miracle. Both the National Geographic Channel and the Learning Channel have recently aired blatantly propagandistic anti-circle documentaries. The fact is, government and media hate this miracle because it’s new and strange and it says that the world is full of mystery.

Lucy Pringle has created two beautiful sets of crop circle postcards. We are hoping that you will send them to your friends as a way of saying there is a real miracle out there, no matter how much the government and the media deny it.

Crop circles last only a few weeks, but these photographs give them the immortality they deserve.
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