The U.S. Marines have a new nonlethal weapon: spray-on slime. The Mobility Denial System consists of a milky-white, non-hazardous anti-traction gel that is sprayed out over the desired area in a 1/8-inch thickness to form an impenetrable barrier.

The military is always looking for new ways to handle situations without deadly force, Marine Corps Major Guillermo Canedo says, and this can help with crowd control, riots, protesters, and guarding buildings and sensitive areas, such as embassies.

Scientists at San Antonio?s Southwest Research Institute were hired by the Marines to develop the anti-gravity goo. ?The idea is to put it on surfaces like walkways, stairs, banisters, buildings…there?s no limit,? says Ronald Mathis, principal engineer on the project. read more

In 1999, Shaun Arrigo, a producer of underwater documentaries, along with the German archaeologist Hubert Zeitlmair, discovered what may be underwater temples off the northeast coast of Malta. He can?t understand why the Museums Department of Malta has ?totally ignored? his discovery and has left it ?unprotected.?

Despite this official disinterest, the Malta Tourism Authority has sponsored a seminar on the underwater temples called Discovering the Mysterious Past of Ancient Malta, with the participation of top international experts in the field.

The National Museum of Archaeology has received a report by author Anton Mifsud, saying that these are man-made. Mifsud is the author of ?Malta: Echoes of Plato?s Island,? which shows that Malta could be more

While interviewing German UFO researcher Michael Hesemann on our Dreamland Christmas show December 22, Whitley was looking through Michael?s extraordinary website and saw the June 2001 ?UFO Photo of the Month,? an image of a ?hat-shaped? craft taken in Iran in 1978.

Since he had interviewed U.K. researcher Matthew Hurley the week before, on December 15, about his remarkable discoveries of UFO images in art, from prehistoric times through the Renaissance, Whitley recognized the Iran image as being a close match to 3 images on Hurley?s site, one of them over 20,000 years old!
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Scientists have discovered that a cellphone call lasting just two minutes can alter the natural electrical activity of a child?s brain for up to an hour afterwards. They have also found for the first time how radio waves from mobile phones penetrate deep into the brain and don?t just center around the ear.

The study by Spanish scientists has prompted leading medical experts to question whether it is safe for children to use mobile phones at all. Doctors fear that disturbed brain activity in children could lead to psychiatric and behavioral problems or impair learning ability. It should be noted that more children every year are diagnosed with attention deficit problems and given drugs like Ritalin to help calm them down enough to pay attention in school.
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