Just in time for the Christmas holidays: It has been discovered that people who eat frequently have lower blood cholesterol levels than those who eat once or twice a day – even if they eat more food, according to a new study carried out by scientists in Norfolk, England.

Kay-Tee Khaw, a professor of clinical gerontology at the University of Cambridge, carried out the research after animal studies showed ?gorgers? had higher cholesterol levels than ?grazers.? Despite higher intakes of fat, people who ate six or more times a day had cholesterol levels five per cent lower on average and a reduction in coronary heart disease of 10 to 21 per cent.
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Last Christmas Eve, Astronaut Cathy Clarke heard Mission Control playing Jingle Bells over the intercom about 200 times. They had turned down her request for a Christmas tree because ?the pine needles would just float around and poke you in the eye. It?s a safety issue.?
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Feeling like a Grinch this year because of 911? Anne sure did, but then she discovered a reason to be happy. Read her diary and find out how she did it.

To read Anne’s Diary,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Listeners have complained to us that when they listened to Dreamland on the archives, the show would stop after 30 to 45 minutes. We’ve discovered the glitch and corrected it, so now you’ll be able to hear the entire show. Click on the “Listen Now” tab at the top right of our masthead to listen to Dreamland.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more