The odds are good that eventually our planet will be hit by an asteroid or a comet, as it has many times before. Engineers and scientists here at NASA?s Langley Research Center are trying to spot these hazards before they sit. One good place to set up an astronomical alarm system is on the Moon.

A large number of asteroids larger than a half-mile across are in orbits that bring them close to Earth. If any of them were to hit our planet, it would cause social and environmental upheaval. Locating the whereabouts of these objects is the major job of several Earth-based telescopic searches.
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The U.K. Medical Research Council feels that a massive and coordinated research effort to identify the causes of autism is urgently needed and believes that autism and related disorders are far more common than previously thought. So far, there is no firm evidence linking any environmental elements with the disease.

Autism and related disorders affect six in every 1,000 English children under the age of eight, the research team found. The previous figure was between one and two per 1,000. The increase is due to changed ideas about what constitutes autism, as well as increased awareness of the condition.
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Blood tests taken over the past year show that part of northwest England is still a Viking stronghold, just as it was 1,200 years ago. Geneticists have discovered clear evidence of Norwegian genetic influences in the area. The study also confirms that Vikings settled in large numbers in the Shetland and Orkneys and the far north of the Scottish mainland.

In the first large-scale genetics survey of its kind, led by Professor David Goldstein, a geneticist from the University College London, scientists studied the DNA of 2,000 people. The study shows that the genetic pattern of the Vikings remains in some parts of the UK population and confirms that the Norwegian Vikings did not just raid and then retreat to Scandinavia, but actually settled in Britain.
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Does it seem like you?ve heard a lot of confusing, contradictory information regarding the recent anthrax terrorism? And does it seem as if most of it has been coming from official, government sources? Anne Strieber, who has been reporting on it from the first Florida mailings, traces the disinformation to its source. To read the diary entry,click here.

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