A forest without predators may not last long. When predators vanish, herbivore (plant eating) animal populations explode, leading to the mass destruction of plant life and eventually to the destruction of the forest itself.

A research team led by John Terborgh of Duke University made a census of the herbivores and trees on several islands in Lago Guri, a lake in Venezuela that was created in 1986 when a river was dammed to produce hydroelectric power. When the water rose, the smallest of the islands lost nearly all of its predatory animals, such as jaguars, snakes and hawks. The situation was a unique natural experiment, testing two competing theories of how ecosystems are structured.
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Someone asked us, ?Do you have any books that are especially right for Christmas giving?? and surprisingly, the answer is ?yes!?

My first suggestion is ?Resurrection of the Shroud? by Mark Antonacci. When Mark came on Dreamland to talk about his book, he told us some amazing facts. Did you know that the Shroud of Turin has actual human blood on it? Or that the image cannot have been caused by an ordinary corpse? This careful, fascinating book restores the Shroud to its former glory as one of the world’s great mysteries. To learn more,click here.
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After an unusually long silence, Whitley Strieber has published a new journal entry. This is not your usual Christmas message. In it, he gives more information than ever before about how his close encounter experiences have affected his life, and what they mean to him now, seventeen years after the December, 1985 incident that led to the writing of Communion.

He also discusses the reasons for all the secrecy, and offers some very new and surprising ideas about what may be happening behind the scenes, and the conditions that need to be met before true contact begins.
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The National Academy of Sciences says that global warming could trigger ?large, abrupt and unwelcome? climatic changes that could severely affect ecosystems and human society.

This fulfills the scenario in ?The Coming Global Superstorm,? published last year by Whitley Strieber and Art Bell. The warning comes six months after they informed the White House that global warming is indeed real, largely the result of human activity and likely to cause adverse effects.
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