According to a NASA study, the medical risks — both physical and psychological — of long journeys in space remain are far greater than the public has been led to believe.

After 40 years of space travel, information on stresses to the body due to space travel has not been properly analyzed. Not enough is known about the dangers of prolonged travel for humans to venture into deep space in a safe and sane manner. Part of the problem comes from ?underreporting? by astronauts about their health problems, due to the confidentiality of data between astronauts and flight surgeons.
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A 28-year-old South African internet tycoon will become the second space tourist after three out of five Russian Space and Aviation Agency departments have approved his mission to the International Space Station (ISS) in April 2002.

The three departments have signed an agreement that would allow South African Mark Shuttleworth to visit the ISS, according to a spokesman. The other two are expected to sign within a week. ?Today Mark had his space suit fitted,? he says. The other four ISS partners – NASA, Japan, Canada and ESA (European Space Agency) ? will still have to agree to his trip.
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Since the first SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) observations in the 1960s, there have been scientists studying the possibility of life beyond Earth who have little or no formal training in astronomy, physics, or engineering. These are social scientists, with backgrounds in fields such as anthropology, political science, and psychology.

Archeologists may draw on the insights they have gained about extinct human civilizations that now exist only in the writings and artifacts they have left behind. They know that it can be hard to decode languages from these past civilizations, as evidenced by the decades-long process of deciphering ancient Maya hieroglyphs, so we should expect it to be hard to decode messages from extraterrestrials.
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Egypt has warned the United States that the latest Israeli military offensive against the Palestinians could spread into a confrontation with the entire Arab world.

President Hosni Mubarak has told Washington it will not tolerate Israeli destruction of the government of Yasser Arafat. He has made a pledge to Arafat that Egypt will preserve the Palestinian Authority.

Mubarak spoke with Bush by telephone last week and called for an end to the Israeli military campaign. Earlier, he warned in an interview with a Lebanese new agency that Israel will be the main victim in any regional conflict.
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