Russian police have arrested seven men who were trying to sell more than 2 pounds of weapons-grade uranium. Russian nuclear experts are examining the capsule containing the uranium to determine its place of origin and determine if it?s the high-level enriched variety of uranium-235. They think it came from a nuclear research center or production plant.

Most of the suspects belong to the Balashikha criminal gang. They tried to sell the uranium for $30,000 to another gang, but officials don?t know how they got hold of the uranium in the first place.
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Mars may be undergoing a period of profound climate change, according to a new study based on observations made by NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor that show a dramatic loss of snow at the south pole.

It is not yet clear if a single year?s change represents a warming trend. "It’s saying that the permanent cap isn’t quite so permanent as we thought," says Michael Caplinger of Malin Space Science Systems.

The research into snow density, lead by David E. Smith of NASA?s Goddard Space Flight Center, confirms that both of Mars’ polar regions are covered in permanent caps composed of carbon dioxide, which we call "dry ice."
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Canadian researchers using a miniature submarine to probe the sea floor off the western tip of Cuba have discovered stone structures deep below the ocean surface that may have been built by an unknown human civilization as far in the past as 6,000 ago, about 1,500 years earlier than the great Giza pyramids of Egypt.

?It?s a really wonderful structure which looks like it could have been a large urban center,? says Soviet-born Canadian ocean engineer Paulina Zelitsky, of Advanced Digital Communications (ADC). She says the structures may have been built by unknown people when the current sea-floor actually was above the surface. Volcanic activity may have caused the site to sink to 2,100 feet beneath the Caribbean Sea.
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