According to the Sunday Times of London, the war on terrorism will soon be extended to three new countries, with targets linked to al-Qaeda in Somalia, Sudan and Yemen at the top of the hit list. ?We have the wind at our backs and we don?t want to lose it,? says a senior Washington source.

The first targets could be hit as early as late January. Intelligence officers from both Britain and America have been gathering information about terrorists in order to find out if they have links with bin Laden. MI6, the British secret intelligence service, has played a leading role in this.
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The scientists at Advanced Cell Technology, in Worcester, Massachusetts, claim they have cloned the first early human embryo. They want to create genetically matched replacement cells for patients with a wide range of diseases, and say they have no interest in transplanting these embryos into a woman?s womb to give birth to a cloned human being.
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Over the past millions of years, Earth has taken some major hits from asteroids. Where do these huge boulders come from and why are they in orbits near the Earth? Scientists now think the sun is to blame.

Asteroids most likely come from the dense area of gigantic, spinning rocks that exists between Mars and Jupiter. But scientists have a hard time explaining what might have dislodged so many of them from their stable asteroid belt and sent them hurtling towards Earth.
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If you?re scared to go to the mall this season, or just don?t want to fight the throngs of bargain hunters, consider doing your Christmas shopping at our website store. Click on the ?store? tab at the top of the home page and find wonderful items you won?t see anywhere else, like our crop circle calendar and Cellguard phone protector. We carry the books of the guests we have on Dreamland and a more wonderful selection cannot be found anywhere else.
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