President Bush today demanded that Iraq allow UN weapons inspectors who were expelled in 1998 to return to the country and complete their work. When asked what would happen if Iraqi president Saddam Hussein refused, Bush stated, “he’ll find out.”

In addition, a number of other nations have been mentioned as possible targets of the US war on terrorism, most specifically Somalia and North Korea. President Bush served notice today to all countries that support terrorism that they “would be held accountable.”
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Laura Yuran and her 11-year-old son Jonathon were gazing at the Leonid meteor shower early last Sunday morning when they were almost hit by chunks of the space rocks.

They were watching the meteor shower outside their Indiana home at 4 a.m. when what felt like hailstones began to hit them. As Laura walked toward the house to get her husband Tom, a chunk of rock slammed to the ground near where she had been standing just moments before.

?It went, ?Boom!? and I screamed,? Laura says. ?Part of it hit the driveway and the second part was embedded in the ground. I was afraid to touch it.?
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Researchers say that if you just imagine yourself exercising, you can increase the strength of even your large muscles. This discovery could help patients who are too weak to exercise to recuperate from a stroke or other injury. It could also help those of us who are reluctant to get off the couch and out to the gym.

Muscles move in response to impulses from nearby motor neurons. The firing of those neurons depends on the strength of electrical impulses sent by the brain. ?That suggests you can increase muscle strength solely by sending a larger signal to motor neurons from the brain,? says Guang Yue, an exercise physiologist at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio.
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