It?s been alleged that terrorists and criminals can easily purchase weapons at gun shows, but at the ?Crossroads of the West? gun show in Salt Lake City, Utah, Timothy W. Tobiason was selling printed and CD copies of his book, ?Scientific Principles of Improvised Warfare and Home Defense Volume 6-1: Advanced Biological Weapons Design and Manufacture,? a germ-warfare textbook that experts say is accurate enough to be dangerous.
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Cooks need to be aware that about 13 percent of raw U.S. turkeys carry salmonella, a bacteria that can produce severe flu-like symptoms if the bird is not thoroughly cooked or if raw turkey is allowed to contaminate kitchen surfaces.

Government data shows the rate of salmonella contamination in raw turkey is higher than for other raw meat. Samples collected by the U.S. Agriculture Department found salmonella contamination rates of 3 percent for ground beef and 9 percent for chicken. In tests of chickens, some free-range birds turned out to have higher salmonella rates than factory-raised fowl.
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Traces of the airplane engine degreaser TCE, that has contaminated the groundwater around a Utah air base since 1987, have been found in fruit grown nearby. TCE causes cancer in laboratory rats, but has not been linked to cancer in humans.

Utah State University researchers found trichloroethylene in about 90 percent of fruit grown in the yards of nine nearby homes. Scientists at Hill Air Force Base say there is no immediate health risk but will continue investigating, says Steve Hicken, an environmental engineer at the base.
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Dr. Roger Leir has managed the removal of another unknown object from a close encounter witness, the tenth such surgery he has performed or observed. Dr. Leir, the author of ?Casebook: Alien Implants,? is the only physician actively involved in researching these cases, which have generally been rejected by the medical community as nonsense. No physician who has actually observed the objects has been able to find an explanation for them.
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