In the book ”Bin Laden, la verite interdite” (”Bin Laden, the forbidden truth”), just published in France, the authors Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie reveal that early in his administration, George W. Bush was pressured by oil companies to stop investigations into terrorism.

Brisard and Dasquie have long experience in intelligence analysis. Until the late 1990s, Brisard was director of economic analysis and strategy for the French company Vivendi. He also worked for French secret services, and in 1997 he wrote a report on the al-Qaeda network. Dasquie is an investigative journalist and publisher of Intelligence Online, a respected internet newsletter on diplomacy, economic analysis and strategy.
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The government is warning websites to stop selling unproven treatments for anthrax, smallpox and bioterrorism agents. The treatments include dietary supplements such as oregano oil and zinc mineral water. The Federal Trade Commission says there?s no scientific evidence that any of these alternative treatments work.

The FTC has sent e-mail warnings to site operators, giving them a week to reply. Operators who don?t comply could be fined, banned from operating or required to refund consumers? money.
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In the wake of Attorney General John Ashcroft?s attempt to defeat the Euthanasia law in Oregon, it?s interesting to note a new study showing that more than one-third of the doctors in Australia admit helping to end the lives of their terminally ill patients. In most cases the patients hadn?t asked them to perform euthanasia.
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A study of North Atlantic ice suggests that the brightening and dimming of the sun may cause a 1,500-year cycle of cooling and warming on parts of the Earth. Researchers have found that a very slight difference in the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth can have a powerful effect on the climate. As ice builds up in lands bordering the North Atlantic, the average temperature drops in Europe and North America.

Gerard C. Bond, a researcher at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University in Palisades, New York, says, ?Whether the whole Earth is affected, we don?t know for sure yet, but it is certainly implied. The effect does extend from the high northern latitudes down, maybe even to the tropics.?
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