One of the first thoughts that surfaced in almost every American mind, as we sat in stunned silence in front of our TV sets on September 11 and watched the Twin Towers fall, was ?How could our intelligence agencies not have had any warning about this?? We later learned that the CIA and FBI spend a great deal of their time in jealous backbiting and that each agency tries to withhold information from the other.
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On November 1, President George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13233, which ends 27 years of Congressional and judicial efforts to make Presidential papers and records publicly available.

This Executive Order suggests that Bush not only doesn?t want Americans to know what he?s doing, he also doesn?t want to worry that historians will someday find out. That is the message in this effort to prevent public access to Presidential papers ? not only his, but those of all Presidents since the Reagan-Bush administration.
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An Arab newspaper reports that an al-Qaeda member says that bin Laden has placed 10 decoys, who look just like him, in Afghanistan to foil U.S. attempts to capture him.

The London-based al-Hayat daily quotes ?Abul Noor? (a pseudonym) as saying, ?Even if the American attacks against Afghanistan succeeded in finishing the Taliban movement, they would not succeed in arresting bin Laden. Not merely because that is difficult, but because bin Laden has 10 lookalikes. Two of them are north Africans and they all are in Afghanistan.? He claims the only physical differences between the decoys and the real bin Laden are the birthmarks on their backs.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is based on the idea that a search of the cosmos may reveal artificial signals that are being transmitted intentionally or as electromagnetic noise, like TV and radio signals.

But if we do detect these signals, what will they tell us other than the fact that we are not alone? The signals may contain messages from an alien civilization that we cannot decipher and SETI currently focuses on finding artificial signals, not on decoding them.

SETI researchers believe that the content of messages intentionally beamed toward Earth would rely on the universal language of math and science. But how would ETs transmit knowledge of their culture and history?
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