The eight Western aid workers who were arrested by the Taliban for distributing Christian literature may have been released, according to German newspaper reports. When the Northern Alliance invaded the Afghanistan capitol of Kabul, they were taken by the Taliban to their stronghold of Kandahar

The German ?Rundschau? newspaper reported that foreign intelligence agents claim the members of the Christian charity ?Shelter Now International? are returning to Kabul.

The group is made up of two Americans, two Australians and four Germans. The eight have been named as Australians Peter Bunch and Diana Thomas, Americans Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer, and Germans Georg Taubmann, Katrin Jelinek, Margrit Stebner and Silke Durrkopf.

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U.S. intelligence agencies are recruiting psychics to help predict future terrorist attacks and to find Osama Bin Laden.

The U.S. government established the remote viewing program known as Stargate in the 1970s to detect Soviet weapons, locate hostages, and to assist other intelligence operations. The program, which was developed at the Stanford Research Institute in California, was supposedly shut down in 1995 after its existence was leaked to the news media. However, many sources suspect it simply went deeper underground.
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An asteroid impact could be mistaken for an attack by a Middle Eastern country and ?could certainly trigger a regional if not global nuclear exchange,? says Brian Marsden, an astronomer at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This assumes that the country hit by the asteroid has the ability for a nuclear response.

While several countries actively search for asteroids and are aware of the potential dangers, many nations do little research into this threat. Small asteroids that could cause significant localized or even regional damage hit Earth every few centuries, and though none are known to be on a collision course with Earth at the moment, experts say there is always a risk that one could strike without warning.
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“Marijuana is a wonder drug capable of radically transforming the lives of very sick people,” according to the results of the first clinical trials of the drug, which were sanctioned by the British government. Marijuana is still illegal for doctors to prescribe in the UK and the US.

Until now, claims for the drug have been anecdotal. But the preliminary results of the trials, started last year, suggest that 80% of those taking part have derived more benefit from marijuana than from any other drug, with many describing it as “miraculous.”
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