An reader send us this reply from RAWA, the Afghan feminist organization in Pakistan:

?Dear friend: ?We are so touched and impressed by your kind and supportive emails. All of your emails are so meaningful to us and they give us strength and energy to fight the brutal fundamentalist terrorists with more determination. We are also shocked and outraged at the terrorist attacks in the US. Being victims of the fundamentalists? terrorism we can feel the sorrow and anger of American people. Read RAWA?s statement at
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Leroy Richmond, age 57, who works in the District of Columbia post office, has come down with inhaled anthrax and is seriously ill. Another worker has been diagnosed with the inhaled form of the disease.

Richmond works in the main processing center in the area where workers handle the mail that is delivered to Senator Daschle?s office and he presumably came in contact with the letter sent to the senator that contained anthrax.

Two other postal workers have died, and it is now believed that they have perished from inhaling anthrax.

This indicates that letters containing anthrax could spread the inhalation form of the disease fairly easily. Other workers who could have handled the Daschle letter are being identified and tested.
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Colin Powell recently announced that we expect to have completed our mission and be out of Afghanistan before the winter. This may be a veiled threat to the Taliban that they should not try to wait us out, because if there is American military activity on the ground in Afghanistan in the winter, troops will run into the problem that has always plagued foreign armies there: the incredibly harsh winter weather. Even Afghanistan?s own civil war between the Taliban and the Northern Alliance usually shuts down between November and April.
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A powerful X-1 Class solar flare has erupted out of sunspot area 9661 early on October 19. It triggered strong radio blackouts across Asia.

The sun experienced an expected shift of its polarity on February 15. Afterward, it was expected that the current solar max would wind down. However, the sun has remained in a highly active state, to the point that its activity levels are now unprecedented in the history of solar cycles.
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