A geologist says he knows where Osama bin Laden is hiding because he recognizes the rocks behind him in the video he released after the September 11 attacks.

John Ford Shroder, who spent years living in Afghanistan, says that particular type of rock only exists in one region. The video must have been filmed in either Paktia or Paktika province in the south east near Pakistan. The region, which is filled with caves, is controlled by the Pashtuns, an ethnic group loyal to the Taliban.

Shroder, who is now a professor at the University of Nebraska, recognized the type of rock as soon as he saw the video on TV. ?I turned to my wife and told her ?I know where he is,?? says Shroder.
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Anne Strieber weighs in with a compelling diary entry about just why this old time peacenick has planted a flag in her front yard. There is a time for everything, and right now it’s time to face some hard facts about just where this civilization finds itself, and what must be done. To read the diary, click here.

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An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter Scale has just been recorded in the area of the Banda Sea in Indonesia. The Banda Islands and Spice Islands are located in this region.

This is the latest in a series of 6 and higher earthquakes to strike the Pacific Rim in recent weeks. Since October 11, there have been three such quakes. The first, registering 6.2, took place near Queen Charlotte Island in British Columbia on the 11th. On the 12th, the second–a very powerful 7.2 event–shook the Marianas.

There have been many smaller earthquakes in the region, indicating that the Pacific Rim continues to be highly quake active.

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The hunt for the source of the weapons-grade anthrax that has been used in recent attacks on the media and the government has led investigators down many false roads.

The focus has been on Iraq, but according to the world?s leading germ warfare experts, suspicion points more directly at Russia?s military industrial complex. ?The obvious one is Russia, it?s a league ahead of Iraq,? says David Kelly, senior adviser to UN weapons inspectors for Iraq.

The Russian scientists who helped to run the Soviet Union?s secret germ warfare program are now unemployed and could be supplying weapons-grade anthrax to Islamic terrorists. It?s known that Osama bin Laden?s al-Qa?ida network has tried to buy ingredients for biological weapons from Russia in recent years.
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