The FBI domestic terrorism unit is investigating the possible role of illegal militia groups in the anthrax outbreaks in Florida and New York.

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma bomber who killed 168 people when he blew up a federal building in 1995, belonged to a militia, the National Alliance.

Other groups have threatened to use biological weapons, including anthrax, botulism, and ricin, in their struggle against what they see as the global conspiracy of the ?New World Order.?
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A heavy strike on Kandahar has led to speculation from witnesses on the ground that US helicopters and ground forces may have been involved.

The Pentagon has responded that an AC-130 “Spectre” gunship was in use in the area, and the staccato pounding of its large cannons may have caused the reports of helicopters. The AC-130 was last used to destroy the house of a Somali warlord in 1993. It would be used against troop concentrations, fortified positions, or for the detailed destruction of buildings believed to house individuals the military was attempting to kill.

According to CNN, their sources in Khandahar reported hearing gunfire from small arms and automatic weapons on the ground.
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Despite the fact that it was believed a few days ago that Ernesto Blanca, the 73-year old American Media employee who was exposed to anthrax, had been safely placed on antibiotics, he has been diagnosed with the pulmonary form of the disease.

Pulmonary anthrax is an extremely serious illness, with a high fatality rate. Bob Stevens, the 63-year old American Media employee who first contracted the pulmonary form of the disease, has died.

Opinion: this is another surprise in this fast-developing story. It is important that Americans remain calm but vigilant during this crisis. There is no point in wasting the authorities’ time unnecessarily, but there are unexpected events taking place now, and that fact must be taken into consideration.
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In the October 16 issue of the Los Angeles Times, Rone Tempest reports on the women who live in the Khaiwa Refugee Camp in Pakistan. Camps such as these, on the Pakistani-Afghan border, have long been breeding grounds for fundamentalist male militants in Afghanistan. But the Khaiwa camp is a center for militant feminism in the form of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA).
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