The FBI is looking into a recent break-in at a construction site in California, where thieves stole several map books that describe the water supply for 22 Bay Area cities, including Oakland and Berkeley, along with a tool used to open water valves, according to Charles Hardy, spokesman for the East Bay Municipal Utility District.

Since September 11, there have been many construction-related thefts, and Hardy does not want to dismiss this as a simple construction-site crime. Although it was the first time that maps of the district have been stolen, the maps are in the public records. ?We don?t want to alarm anyone,? he says, ?nor make them think that the district has been compromised by this theft, because it hasn?t.?
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Federal investigators have received evidence that some Middle Easterners in the New York area were warned ahead of time to stay out of lower Manhattan the morning of Sept. 11, according to the New York Daily News. The FBI was able to confirm several such warnings but has been unable to discover their source.

Agents with the FBI?s Joint Terrorist Task Force have interviewed school officials in Jersey City and Brooklyn and questioned members of a Bronx mosque about the warnings. James Margolin, a spokesman for the FBI?s New York office, says, ?Among the e-mails and tips we received are a number of reports of people overhearing people boasting about or warning about coming attacks.?
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When an envelope containing anthrax arrived as the office of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, the question of who is behind this terror attack was raised anew. President Bush stated that there is a possible terror link, and the question became, who would be supplying the anthrax spores to the terrorists?

Investigators looking into the outbreaks have named Iraq as the most likely source of the deadly spores.

Pentagon strategists are discussing the possibility of supporting armed insurrections against Saddam by rebel Kurds in the north and Shia Muslims in the south. Contact has already been made with an Iraqi opposition group based in London.
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The baby of an ABC News employee has tested positive for cutaneous anthrax. Until now, there had been no reports of any suspicious envelopes or other signs of an anthrax attack at ABC News. The child had visited the set of World News Tonight on September 28.

Commentary from There are still officials talking about a ‘possible’ connection between Iraq, Osama bin Laden and the anthrax attack. However, it is clear now that the attack is more widespread than expected, and that there may be many more targets than previously expected. There is a substantial amount of planning behind this attack, and an unknown amount of weaponized anthrax available to the attackers.
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