In her new Diary, Anne Strieber addresses a question that is fundamental to the national debate over how to conduct our new war: should we feel guilty about the poverty of the third world, which is where all of the hatred of America that feeds people like Osama bin Laden originates?

Her approach to the question is as unique and creative as it is fascinating. Here’s one approach that really would change the world. To read it, click here.

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The FBI has said that there is a threat of a terrorist attack against an American target in the US or abroad tomorrow, according to a New York Times report. Government officials told the Times that the alert was an attempt to be careful, and that it was “an accumulation of tidbits.”

On Saturday, a Delta Airlines flight from New York to Amsterdam was cancelled when two middle-eastern men bought one-way tickets at the last minute. The men were detained.

Letters containing powder have been transmitted to many civilian and military targets, including American Media, NBC, the New York Times, Microsoft, Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, the San Antonio city government, and numerous others.
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Tonight, Dreamland features a special on pyramids. Christopher Dunn, the author of the Giza Power Plant will be with us to discuss some remarkable findings from his latest trip to Egypt. The later, John De Salvo, director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association will describe the extensive research into pyramids that’s being done in Russia.

Illustrations from this page will be referred to during the program discussion.

To go to the show description or audio archive, click here.

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This set of links lead to some of the images that Whitley will be discussing tonight on Coast.

Shadow Image.Bird Image.Japanese Site.

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