Effective immediately, Dreamland returns to the internet in the form of an audio archive. This archive will normally be posted immediately after the program on Saturday at 11 Pacific Time. It will never be posted later than Monday.

At present, last week’s program is available. Four weeks of programming will ultimately be archived on the site. The program will NOT be streamed live during the broadcast at this time.

We are very glad to be back for our internet listeners. To listen to last Saturday night’s Dreamland, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

If Osama bin Laden is killed, he becomes a martyr to the Wahhabite cause. If he is imprisoned, his supporters will be inspired to take hostages to gain his release.

This will work:

Special forces units should capture him, take him to the nearest willing hospital, and have a sex change operation performed on him. The ‘she’ can be returned to Afghanistan to live as a woman under the Taliban.

Thanks to D. Rose

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Death is descending on the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Aside from the upcoming war, a starving mass of human beings are experiencing the worst drought in 30 years and the approaching bitter winter.
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Anne Strieber’s new diary entry explores the importance of the Wahhabi sect in the current conflict, and points out that this sect, which began in Saudi Arabia, is extremely intolerant and has a long history of violence. It is also an extremely important force in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. All the terrorists in the Attack on America were Wahhabis. Two of them were sons of a former official in the Saudi Embassy to the US.

Because of our dependence on Saudi oil, the Saudi connection has not been much explored on the US press, so Anne takes us to the prestigious British newsweekly, the Spectator, which is more than willing to examine the situation.

To read the diary entry, click here.
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