New studies have been coming to light that say that the apparent pause in the increase in ocean temperatures between 1998 and 2014 may never have happened to begin with, with the revised data instead showing a steady increase through that period.

According to a NOAA study that was released last year, the discrepancy came about due to the use of ship-based temperature readings, as opposed to temperatures recorded by ocean buoys. Buoys have a tendency to report lower temperatures than their ship-based counterparts, and are more accurate and consistent in their readings. In the 1990s, most readings were taken from ships, but now 85 percent of temperature readings are now provided by buoy-based sensors.
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A new climate model generated by the University of California’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography suggests that if current warming trends continue, they could cause a failure in the circulation of the currents in the Atlantic Ocean, in turn leading to a major cooling event in the waters of the North Atlantic. This event was illustrated by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber in their 1999 book, The Coming Global Superstorm.
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Leading UFO researcher and reporter Leslie Kean reports that Chilean authorities have released a remarkable, 9-minute video of an apparent UFO, recorded by two officers aboard a Chilean Navy helicopter. This video is being released after a 2-year investigation by the Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), the Chilean government’s UFO investigative agency, and the Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (DGAC), Chile’s equivalent to the FAA. Despite having been thoroughly investigated by these agencies, their experts were unable to provide an explanation as to what the object in question is.
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Most of us are familiar with the theories that as humans, we’ve lost some a number of the natural senses that our ancient ancestors used to employ, ranging from our current concept of a "sixth sense", to the 360 senses described in ancient Egyptian writings. While many of us get by with only five senses to guide us, a company called Cyborg Nest is developing an implant that will hopefully re-enable one of these ancient abilities.
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