Attorney General John Ashcroft said today on CNN’S “Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer” that there could still be terrrorists operating in the US and that more attacks are possible. Ashcroft said, “it’s very unlikely that all of those associated with the attacks of September 11 are now detained or have been detected.”

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During a time of stress like this, we tend to eat less well. This is the last thing we need. Our bodies need good nutrition as never before. A wise Dreamland listener who is also a grocer has noticed that people have stopped buying for good meals. To read her thoughts, click here.

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Whitley has produced a powerful new journal entry about what we REALLY need to do to stop the terrorist threat, beyond improving security at home and rolling up terrorist networks. We need to take a whole new look at the way American deals with needy countries, and find in our greatness and compassion, a way of bringing them hope. Do not miss this thoughtful and inspirational article. To read it, click here.

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As substantial military forces gathered throughout the middle east and Turkish foreign minister Ismail Chem met senior Bush administration official in Washington today, efforts to get Osama bin Laden to leave Afghanistan intensified today.

A delegation consisting of a general and several of Pakistan’s most extreme Islamic clerics went to Afghanistan yesterday to urge the Taliban to hand over bin Laden. It is believed that, if this effort fails, an attack by US forces will follow shortly.
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