Jon Dougherty, of, reports that an Israeli organization has made plans to ?lay and anoint? two 4.5-ton blocks of marble as cornerstones for the ?Third Temple of Israel.? The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement says the event is being planned for Oct. 4 at 9:30 a.m. local time in Israel. The event has the blessing of the Israeli government, which has pledged to protect event organizers and participants.
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Can bugs predict the weather? Some people think so, and they expect a cold winter this year. ?The bees have been out early, and they have been very aggressive for this time of year,? says Stacy Schuster, marketing director for Crystal Mountain Ski Area. ?A lot of mountain folk contend that?s a big sign that something?s coming.?

This bug-based winter wisdom is echoed by the observations of Mike McFarland, a forecaster with the National Weather Service?s Seattle office. McFarland says woolly bear caterpillars in his driveway have thick orange and black coats with wide bands. ?The first two I saw, they were definitely suited up for some snowy, cold weather. I saw those guys and, boy, right away I knew.?
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The Pakistani mission to the Taliban has returned with an agreement to continue talks, but one delegate is reporting that bin Laden was not discussed in the meeting just concluded. It appears that the Taliban continue to play for time, as the US comes closer and closer to overt military action.

Meanwhile administration officials are saying that US Special Forces have entered Afghanistan on reconnaissance and intelligencegathering missions. The British Special Air Service (SAS) have also been in Afghanistan for some time.
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Afghan cities are ghost towns. Refugees are pouring out of the country, despite attempts at border control by surrounding countries. As many as eight million Aghans may soon be at risk of starvation soon, and one and a half million are at immeidate risk.

Now, lower level Taliban officials and soldiers are quitting, and military conscription is in chaos, according to CNN. Students released from Islamic school in order to join the army are instead becoming refugees.

Numerous Taliban security checkpoints have been abandoned. Tribal leaders in various parts of the country are urging Arab fighters from abroad to leave the country.
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