According to the Times of London, there are indications that additional terror attacks may be planned for this weekend.

The most solid evidence so far is the discovery that five associates of the suicide gang had booked seats on two flights from Texas to California on Saturday. FBI agents are trying to capture as many key operatives as possible before any plot can be put into action.

Water, gas and electricity suppliers, bridges, tunnels and underground railways have increased security because of the perceived threat of biological, chemical or physical attacks.
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Whitley interviews leading intelligence expert Col. John Alexander on the immediate threats that might be facing our country, if the Attack on America moves into a second phase. The possibility of biological, nuclear or chemical attacks are discussed in this 28 minute interview, as well as the reasons why we had no early warning, and what needs to be done in the future to prevent that from happening again. Listen to this fact-filled interview by going to the Interviews tab at the top of the page or clicking here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

This is an interview with former Mossad agent Gad Shimron, translated from the German. It was originally printed in the Berlin newspaper Die Welt on September 15.

DIE WELT: ?Assignment of blame is becoming more and more definite. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell is now officially designating Osama Bin Laden as the prime suspect. Do you believe he is behind the attacks??
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English special forces troops are preparing to join American special forces in a swoop aimed at devastating terrorist training camps in Afghanistan under plans for a swift retaliation for last week?s terrorist attacks on the U.S., according the the British newspaper, the Telegraph.

Air Strikes on Osama bin Laden?s strongholds could begin within a week, according to U.S. officials. One officer in the British security services says that action will start ?within days.? The air assault – along with cruise missile attacks – will soften up targets before elite troops go in on search and destroy missions.
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