The smoke that is still billowing from the crumbled remains of the World Trade Center does not contain high enough contaminant levels to raise major health concerns, according to health officials.

?At the moment, we really don?t detect any real danger,? says Tina Kreisher, a spokeswoman for the federal Environmental Protection Agency. The agency tested air in Brooklyn on Tuesday evening, a mile downwind from Tuesday?s terrorist attack, and has tested debris at the site of the attack.
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On August 30, it was reported by Russia that their foreign ministry condemned the appointment of Saudi terrorism suspect Osama bin Laden as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Afghanistan?s ruling Taliban government. Russian media quoted Pakistan?s Nation newspaper as saying that the Taliban had named bin Laden commander of their troops. It isn?t clear when this appointment was made. The ministry stated that bin Laden?s appointment confirmed that a center of international terrorism was being set up in Afghanistan.
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Many, many people have written in the past twenty-four hours calling attention to the Nostradamus prophecies that seem to relate directly to the World Trade Center bombing. In fact, there does appear to be a major connection. But is it real, or in the eye of the beholder? And, if the connection is as strong as it seems, what do we do with it now? Has a sixteenth century prophet really left a message for our troubled era?

John Hogue is one of the greatest and best Nostradamus scholars alive today. He has been studying the prophet for twenty years, as well as the language he wrote in and the myriad meanings of the words and allusions in the prophecies.
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Anne Strieber has responded to the terrorist assault on our country with the insight and quiet wisdom that has become her hallmark.But this is no ordinary diary entry–gentle, wise and subtly humorous. A human heart is crying out for all of us.

To read it, click here.

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