Two unusual crop formations have appeared in a field near a British radio telescope. One of them is a schematic similar to an image transmitted by the Arecibo radio telescope in 1974.

The broadcast consisted of a transmission of a pictorial message, which has been approximated in one of the two crop formations. The transmission was beamed toward the globular star cluster M13. The cluster is 21,000 light years from earth, and is located near the edge of our galaxy. It contains approximately 300,000 stars. The broadcast used Arecibo’s megawatt transmitter and its 305 meter antenna. It was the equivalent of a twenty trillion watt wide broadcast, but was focused on a very narrow area of the sky.
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The most powerful solar flare since April has unexpectedly erupted, causing radio blackouts across the sunlit side of the earth at this time. Sunspot group AR9591 unleashed the flare at 12:45PM Eastern Daylight Time today. The explosion also sent a brilliant coronal mass ejection into space. However, the CME is not heading directly toward earth, although it might touch us on Sunday or Monday.

The flare emitted in April was the most powerful ever seen. The current flare is still under measurement, but it is an X5 flare, the strongest type observed.

Want to learn more about the sun at this crucial time? Click Here.

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On June 13, 1999, a crop formation was discovered at Chilbolton that represented a Sierpenski Sieve, a type of fractal that is used in the construction of Fractal antennas.

The formation appeared close to the Chilbolton Radio Telescope, in the same area that a recent schematic of the 1975 Arecibo transmission and an apparent face have appeared. (See news links below.)

Fractal antennas are a recent innovation that allows much more precise tuning than normal antennas. The Sierpenski Sieve, in particular, is a fractal design used as a monopole over an infinite ground plane.
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Linda Moulton Howe will present a one hour special tonight on Dreamland about the developing crop circle situation in England. The special will cover the Milk Hill fractal and the two Chilbolton formations.

Noted crop circle researcher Charles Mallett will be her first guest, discussing the new formations live with Linda and Whitley.

Her second guest will be Paul Vigny, Director of the,Independent Research Center for Unexplained Phenomena in Hampshire, England, who was the first person to recognize the relationship between the Chilbolton schematic and the 1975 Arecibo radio telescope transmission.
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