Astronomers from the University of California in Berkeley have discovered the first solar system other than our own where multiple planets travel in circular orbits around a star.

More than 70 planets have been found outside our solar system, but most travel in tight, erratic orbits around their stars, meaning that their surfaces would be too hot to harbor life as we know it.
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Pollution from cars and trucks kills more people than traffic crashes. Researchers, in a study in the journal Science, say cutting greenhouse gases in four cities they studied — Sao Paulo, Brazil; Mexico City; Santiago, Chile; and New York City — could save 64,000 lives over the next 20 years.
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Hundreds of people in Germany are being driven to distraction by a mysterious hum. A similar sound has been driving people crazy in the U.S.?first in Taos, New Mexico in the mid 1990s and more recently in Indiana.

Many people have been complaining of an elevated pulse rate and fatigue, caused by insomnia. ?Often at night I feel as if my bed were electrically charged. The pillow, the mattress and my whole body vibrate, and the only thing you want to do is to be able to turn off that sound,? says Carmen Mischke.

People have been complaining about the hum to the government for over 2 years. Now they have hired the physicist Henriche Menges to take a closer look at ten out of the 300 homes that have reported the phenomenon.
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A dozen tribesmen with picks and shovels climbed the Mount Pinatubo volcano last week on the dangerous mission to drain the crater lake that threatens their villages with massive floods if the volcano explodes, as it is threatening to do.

Their aim is to carve a notch in the volcano?s crater, to slowly release water from the rising lake, by chopping 16 feet off the lowest point of Pinatubo?s summit. When the notch is completed, geologists predict another 16 feet of already-weakened wall will give way, draining about 530 million cubic feet of water in five hours. The lake contains an estimated 7 trillion cubic feet of water.
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