Some people call it “goo” – others think it looks like clear globs oftapioca pudding.But so far, nobody knows for sure what the clear globules are that have beenshowing up in Lake Superior over the past few days.

Swimmers have noticed them floating in the water off Park Point. JeffGunderson, associate director of Minnesota Sea Grant, collected samples ofthe globules off Park Point and Brighton Beach. Although some of it has beenexamined under microscopes, biologists have not yet been able to determinewhat the goo is. “We don’t know if it’s organic or inorganic yet,” he says.
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Tonight on Dreamland, there will be a one-hour Linda Moulton Howe extra on the story just in of Dutch Crop Circle researchers witnessing the formation of a crop circle. This is the first time that researchers have observed this phenomenon up close and in daylight.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

From Linda Moulton Howe:

On August 1, 2001, Robert Boerman, crop circle researcher and producer of the Dutch crop circle website, received a report of a new formation in Stadskanaal shaped like a scorpion with a tail made up of 8 circles. This was the second formation in the 2001 season discovered in Stadskanaal. Boerman and his nephew, Jan Willem Bobbink, went to the farm owned by J. A. Adams to measure and sample the plants. Jan Willem used dowsing rods to determine energy ley lines. He drew a black and white diagram of the ?scorpion.? Boerman and Bobbink thought the formation was at least a week old at the time and concluded it first emerged around July 24, 2001.
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Police in Montana investigating cattle mutilations are so frustrated that they have asked the National Institute for Discovery Science, a Nevada research institute dedicated to the study of anomalies, for help. Ranchers in Dupuyer and Fort Shaw have reported four cattle deaths. The animals had parts of their faces peeled off and their eyeballs and genitals were removed. Police say that whoever is responsible for the attacks left few clues behind.
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