Amongst the numerous side ailments that can afflict cancer patients during treatment, psychological effects such as depression and anxiety are but two of the most common, affecting up to 40 percent of patients. But a new joint study between New York University and Johns Hopkins University shows that these effects can be treated — and very effectively at that — by using the naturally-occurring psychedelic compound psilocybin.
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As a follow-up to a story we reported on last month, the leaked research paper on the controversial EM Drive that NASA was reportedly set to present for peer review has been published, in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ (AIAA) Journal of Propulsion and Power. The submission of this document is an important development: NASA’s Eagleworks Laboratories would not publish data such as this if they were not confident that this propellantless engine actually works.
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On November 29th, officials involved with the New Safe Confinement (NSC) project gathered near the site of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, to celebrate the installation of the massive NSC structure over top of the plant’s aging containment building. The NSC building, meant to isolate the entire power plant from the surrounding environment for the next century, required a major feat of engineering to bring into being.
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