Genetically engineered canola has become an uncontrollable weed just months after Monsanto and other manufacturers of genetically engineered seeds claimed that this would not happen. And because the plant was engineered to resist herbicides, it?s tough to kill. ?The GM canola has, in fact, spread much more rapidly than we thought it would,? says Martin Entz, a plant scientist at the University of Manitoba. ?It’s absolutely impossible to control.?

Scientists suspect that the plants spread through cattle manure. After the seeds traveled through the animals? digestive tracts, they were deposited on the soil, where they germinated.
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Three former workers at a power plant in suburban San Diego owned by Duke Energy told a hearing in the State Legislature that the plant?s managers shut down production units in order to drive up electricity prices. They said they were asked to throw out new parts that could have been used for maintenance, did not complete necessary maintenance and ran a more expensive emergency turbine than was necessary. ?In my opinion, there was price manipulation,? said Glenn Johnson, one of the workers who testified.
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In the wake of news about the 7.9 scale earthquake in Peru, a new disaster for the country has been revealed: the ancient city of Machu Picchu is about to fall off its mountain perch into destruction. A leading Peruvian archeologist, Dr. Frederico Kauffmann, has accused the government of failing to act on a recent Japanese survey showing that urgent action is needed to save the ancient Inca city.
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Mummy of Egyptian Queen Nefertiti Found

Nefertiti was known as the ?Great Royal Wife? of the pharaoh Akhenaten, who tried to radically change Egyptian culture by introducing the worship of a single God. Now Egyptologist Susan James claims to have found Nefertiti?s mummy, catalogued under the name of ?mummy 61070? in the British Museum. The mummy, nicknamed ?Elder Woman? was discovered in 1898 by the French archeologist Vicor Loret lying unwrapped on the floor in a side room off Akhenaten?s burial chamber, along with 2 other mummies, a boy and a girl.
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