A previously unknown Asian civilization used writing 4,000 years ago, hundreds of years before Chinese or Sumerian writing was developed.

An archeological excavation near Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, revealed an inscription on a piece of stone that seems to have been used as a stamp or seal. This discovery suggests that Central Asia had a civilization comparable to that of Mesopotamia and ancient Iran as far back as the Bronze Age.

Archeologists have uncovered ?monumental structures,? including mud brick apartment complexes. The ancient society seems to have herded goats, grown crops and made bronze tools and ceramics about 300 years after the pyramids of Egypt were built. It is not known what they called themselves.
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A professor of theoretical physics at the University of Connecticut believes he has found a way to build a time machine using light. He thinks that a circulating beam of light, slowed down almost to a snail’s pace, might be the answer. ?With this device,? says Mallett, ?time travel may become a practical possibility.?

It?s not simple, since slowing down light requires temperatures close to absolute zero, but if it works the way it should, this device would provide time travelers from the future with their first gateway into our history…and given the strides that are being made in slowing light, some of us may actually be among the travelers.
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Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD), the human form of Mad Cow Disease, is thought to be caused by eating beef from cattle infected with BSE, or Mad Cow, but David Brown, a biochemist at Cambridge University in England, now says ?there is no conclusive proof that [mad cow disease] caused CJD.? He has an environmental explanation for both Mad Cow and CJD.

He thinks the cause is manganese, a heavy metal that is essential to life and part of our human diet. It can be found in common foods such as wheat, rice and tea. Studies have shown that too much manganese can be dangerous to the nervous system.
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In Texas, a potentially fatal black mold has forced 19 families to evacuate their homes and move into hotels. The Gabberts have lived at the Residence Inn with their 3 children for 3 months, since they discovered their home in Lubbock was filled with black stachybotrys mold. ?It?s kind of stressful, but we?re making the best of it,? says Ashley Gabbert.

The mold can cause allergy-like symptoms, as well as skin rashes, respiratory infections, bloody noses, fever, headaches, tiredness and neurological symptoms. It can also suppress the immune system.

Before they discovered the mold, Ashley took headache medication every day while she was pregnant with her now 10-month-old son. Her 2-year-old has been hospitalized twice with respiratory problems.
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