Professor Andrew Newberg, of the University of Pennsylvania, measures prayer. He invites Buddhists and Franciscan nuns to meditate and pray in a secluded room. At the peak of their devotions, he injects a tracer that travels to their brains and reveals brain activity at the moment of transcendence.

He has found that there is a small region near the back of the brain that constantly calculates a person?s sense of where the body ends and the world begins. During intense prayer or meditation, for unknown reasons, this region becomes a quiet oasis of inactivity as the person becomes ?one? with the universe.
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Evolution scientists in London warn of the spread of a global ?pest and weed? environment, with animals and plants such as rats, cockroaches and dandelions flourishing at the expense of more specialized wild species.

They say that in the next 5 million years, short-term evolution will favor species able to thrive in the margins of human settlements. They also warn that the decisions made in the next few decades will dictate the future course of evolution.

In a startling wake-up call, the group of international scientists compared the present mass extinction of species on earth to past mass extinctions. In the past, it took approximately 5 million years for biological diversity to reassert itself.
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Both guests on Dreamland on Saturday night (May 12, 2001) made major revelations in their areas of interest. Our first guest, Terry Hansen, author of The Missing Times along with such authors as Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State is a member of a new wave of UFO researchers who concentrate not on sighting reports, but work from officially confirmed reports to analyze the ways in which the US government seeks to discredit, deny and bury them.
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CNN has aired a considered and intelligent report on Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Conference. In sharp contrast to the silly story that appeared in the Washington Post, CNN’s coverage offers a clear and concise digest of the conference and is careful to identify the credentials of the witnesses who are pictured.

The report does not add any of the usual humor or ‘spin’ to this story. Dr. Greer’s conference was a compelling and convincing effort. It is to be hoped that good media coverage will continue.

To see the CNN report using the RealAudio G2 player, click here.

If you do not have the player, you will need to download it and install it. To do that, 010510rpchoice_h1&dc=51151059,click here.
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