In his new journal entry, Whitley Strieber discusses the recent US presidential election in light of what he has learned from the visitors about their aims, and the ways in which president-elect Trump’s stated positions conflict with those aims, and the ways that they further them. In some respects, it would appear that a Donald Trump administration would stand against the two key aims of the visitors, which are the preservation of a healthy environment and the furtherance of human freedom. But is that really true?
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Global sea level rise has been assumed to have been rising at an average rate of 1.5 centimeters (0.6 inches) per decade since 1900, as measured by NOAA. However, a new study has cast that figure into doubt: after having taken regional sea level increases into account, the previously accepted rate may be off by a great deal — from 5 to 28 percent in some regions.

The problem comes from the fact that sea level measurements have been historically taken from coastal tide gauges, from roughly a dozen select sites around the northern hemisphere. It was assumed in the past that ocean levels were rising relatively evenly across the globe, however:
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A research paper outlining NASA’s investigation into the propellantless EM Drive has been leaked, and their conclusion is that the controversial engine does indeed work. The paper hasn’t been submitted for peer review yet, meaning it still requires external verification, but it is now part of a number of independent studies that suggest that the EM Drive could legitimately revolutionize space travel.
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It would be a gross understatement to say that president-elect Donald Trump hasn’t kept his intentions regarding environmental policy a secret — he’s outright declared climate change to be a hoax, promised to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency, pull out of the Paris Agreement, withdraw all funding from the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, and reverse various environmental initiatives put in place by the previous administration. Needless to say, these plans do not bode well for the environment.
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