We have received word from the UFOXFiles webmaster that the internet conference scheduled for May 12, 2001, has been cancelled.

The site is now displaying a black screen. According to the webmaster, the site has been hacked and they cannot enter their server at all.

The first sign of trouble came on May 1, when the signup page became a black screen. It was then removed from the site.

The site is a complex one, full of multimedia and innovative design, and a hacker could present a very serious problem for them.

Chris Wyatt, the developer of the conference, has said that everybody who signed up for it will receive a refund via debit to their credit cards.
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According to an article published in the prestigious, peer-reviewed British Medical Journal, human Tinea imbricata has been found in gungans. Human Tinea imbricata, a superficial fungal infection of man, has an ornate appearance composed of concentric circles and polycyclic or serpiginous scaly plaques. The condition is common in several humid tropical regions, especially in parts of Polynesia and Melanesia. It is also reported occasionally in the Amazon basin and other tropical areas in both hemispheres. The precise distribution of tinea imbricata, however, has been poorly defined ever since the disease was named by Sir Patrick Manson, the father of tropical medicine.
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Astronomers have detected regular patterns in what they call the afterglow of creation that they believe were caused by shock waves shortly after the universe was born. They provide the most precise image yet of the Big Bang explosion that created the universe 12 to 15 billion years ago.

They were obtained by the Boomerang (Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics) experiment. Boomerang is an extremely sensitive microwave telescope that was carried by a balloon that circumnavigated the Antarctic in late 1998. The balloon carried the telescope at an altitude of 120,000 feet for 10 days.
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Dennis Tito had to pay the Russians 2 million dollars in order to be the first tourist in space, but companies are working hard to develop craft that will make space travel affordable in the next decade.

Space Adventures, the Virginia company that arranged Tito’s flight to the International Space Station, has already flown 150 customers up 80,000 feet, to the edge of the earth’s atmosphere, where the curvature of the earth and the darkness of space are visible.

Within 3 years, they think they can produce a privately-built sub-orbital rocket that will be able to take passengers on a trip to space similar to the first trip into space by U.S. astronaut Alan Shepherd 40 years ago. The price of the trip will be only $98,000.
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