Finally?A Use For That Fat

Researchers at UCLA and the University of Pittsburgh have found a legitimate scientific use for your spare tire and love handles. When removed through liposuction, stem cells can be isolated from the fat.

Stem cells are master cells that can become anything in the body, including nerves, bone and muscle. They can be used to grow new heart muscles for cardiac patients, new insulin-producing cells for diabetics and new nerve tissues for people suffering from spinal injuries, Parkinsons or Alzheimers. They can also be used for breast reconstruction after cancer surgery.
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Early Medical Intervention

It has been determined that dentists who lived 8,000 years ago used stone-tipped drills to repair teeth. Scientists at the University of Missouri have discovered tiny, perfectly round holes in prehistoric teeth found in Pakistan. The holes were too perfectly rounded to have been caused by decay. Under the microscope, researchers could see concentric grooves left by what was probably a drill with a tiny stone bit.
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A fundamental change may be taking place in the way that science views the UFO phenomenon.

For years, prominent members of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal have issued blanket denials that UFOs were worth scientific study. The National Academy of Sciences is on record as agreeing with this posture.

Leading members of the skeptical group, such as Randall James Zwinge (the Amazing Randi) and Philip Klass, have said that there is no evidence worth considering. The ‘skeptics’ have made this a virtual mantra. It has been crucially responsible for leading science away from the study of the phenomenon, and the media into a posture of denial and ridicule.
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Between 9 and 10 AM on Wedneday, April 11, a severe geomagnetic storm struck earth. Auroras may be visible into the middle lattitudes tonight, which would include most if not all of the United States.

A G-4 level magnetic storm is the second highest on the scale. It is capable of causing widespread voltage control problems in power systems, and inducing protective devices to remove power assets from the grid.

Satellites may have tracking problems, and surface charging could lead to damage in some cases.

Radio signal propagation may be sporadically disrupted, satellite navigation degraded, and low-frequency radio navigation also disrupted.
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