A powerful X-class solar flare erupte at 1:25 AM EDT Tuesday, causing radio blackouts across the eastern hemisphere of earth and triggering a minor radiation storm. The flare hurled a coronal mass ejection directly toward earth. This CME joins another, smaller one already heading for our planet. The CMEs will reach earth on Wedneday or Thursday.

There is an estimated 25% chance of severe geomagnetic activity, which will mean disrupted communications, possible damage to satellites, and auroras across most of the northern teir of the United States.
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U.S. intelligence officials say that the U.S. surveillance aircraft that collided with a Chinese jet on April 1st was gathering electronic evidence about an underground nuclear test that China is preparing to conduct. The test preparations were spotted by a U.S. spy satellite two weeks ago at China?s Lop Nur testing facility in Western Xinjiang province, where photographs showed that activity related to nuclear testing was taking place.

In 1966, China signed an international treaty banning all underground nuclear blasts. U.S. intelligence suspicions that China may be undertaking underground testing were confirmed after agents from Bejing purchased special nuclear containment equipment from Russia several years ago.
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For the first time, a large-circulation general interest magazine in the U.S. has unequivocally stated that UFOs are real.

The May, 2001 issue of ?Popular Mechanics? contains the provocative lead story ?When UFOs Land,? which talks about the investigations by Peter Sturrock and others of physical evidence from UFO landing sites?evidence that has been suppressed and ignored by the media. Sturrock was on Dreamland last year to talk about his book ?The UFO Enigma: A New Review of the Physical Evidence.?
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There is evidence that the recent English Foot-and-mouth outbreak could have been started deliberately by someone who stole a test tube of the virus from a laboratory. A vial of the virus was stolen from a secret government lab at Porton Down in Wiltshire two months before the crisis began.

A senior military source from the laboratory told the Sunday Express newspaper that ?A phial appears to have gone missing from one of the labs following a routine audit last year.” The laboratory also contains samples of smallpox, TB, anthrax and Ebola.

The paper goes on to say that ?Ministry officials were informed immediately and an investigation was launched initially by Special Branch and then by MI5, who are interested in the activities of animal rights protesters.?read more