Two fertility scientists have announced plans to create the first human clone within two years, despite new evidence that cloning can produce monstrous results.

Scientists say that creating healthy copies through cloning is harder than they had expected. Clones often have severe problems, such as developmental delays, heart defects and malfunctioning immune systems. In one example that sounds like science fiction, some cloned mice that had seemed normal suddenly grew grotesquely fat as young adults.

It?s not that one particular thing goes wrong, researchers say. Rather, the cloning process seems to create random errors that can produce a number of unpredictable problems, at any time in life. Fewer than 3% of cloning efforts succeed.
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Scientists have researched the chemicals that can be found in the bodies of average Americans and have found that the results are alarming. ?This is a wake-up call: Americans are clearly being exposed to an array of toxic chemicals,? says John Balbus of George Washington University.

Federal health researchers found measurable levels of 27 environmental chemicals in the blood and urine of most of the 3,800 people tested in 12 different regions of the U.S. The chemicals included lead, mercury, tobacco smoke, pesticides and phthalates, which soften the plastics used in cosmetics, fragrances and soft plastic toys.
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The number of sunspots visible from earth has shot up in recent days to 339 and is still rising. This is the highest level since July of 2000. Sunspot group 9393 is one of the largest such groups seen in years, and among the largest ever seen. It’s signature delta magnetic field could release a very powerful X-class eruption.

Solar weather forecasters are estimating a 20% chance of an X-class eruption over the twelve hours from 0900 CST 03/27/01.
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The wreckage of a missing US jet and the body of its pilot were found today in Scotland. Two US F-15 fighters disappeared on a training mission over Scotland yesterday.

President Bush, campaigning for his tax cut proposal in Montana, asked for a moment of silence for them and two other aircrew who died in a helicopter accident in Germany the same day.

The jets were observed by witnesses on the ground. One appeared to be out of control, swooping and then shooting almost straight up into a snow shower. The other plane appeared to be under control. Both were flying at very low altitude over mountainous terrain in variable weather.
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