The ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru is in danger of being destroyed by landslides.

Japanese geologists have found that the earth beneath the ruins is shifting at an alarming rate. They say a major landslide could split the ruins in half at any time.

Machu Piccu was the last refuge of the Inca empire after it was overrun by Spanish conquerors in the 16th century. It is perched in the Andes mountains, 8,000 feet above sea level. American archaeologist Hiram Bingham discovered the ruins in 1911.
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Meatless corn dogs have been recalled from grocery shelves by the Kellogg Company, after they were found to contain genetically engineered corn not approved for human consumption.

The environmental group Greenpeace announced that it had detected StarLink corn in corn dogs manufactured by Worthington Foods, a subsidiary of Kellogg, that were purchased in a Baltimore Safeway. Worthington Foods produces corn dogs that are sold under the names Morningstar Farms, Loma Linda and Natural Touch. The company said they also tested the product themselves and found StarLink corn. President Carla Cooper says that the company “very much regrets this incident.”
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A six and one half minute video of a UFO reported to have been made by a villager living in the Derbyshire village of Bonsall, in England has been locked in a safe deposit box pending its exposure to media sources.

The video is believed to be so extraordinary that its owner hopes that a media bidding war will break out for it.

People in the village first started seeing strange objects in the sky last September. A huge, multicolored disk was spotted over the nearby village of Carsington. Since then, there have been numerous sightings, including one where a craft was captured on video for six and a half minutes. This is the tape that is hidden somewhere in Nottingham.
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The new administration has been staffed primarily by big business executives. In fact, there has not been an administration so deeply connected to big business and the banking community since that of Herbert Hoover, which was ended by the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932.

And the new president has wasted no time in serving the needs of big companies and banks. Yesterday, he backed down on his campaign pledge to cut carbon dioxide emissions, one of the major causes of global warming. This comes after the U.S. refused to sign the Kyoto treaty on the environment and has asked for a delay in upcoming world environmental conferences.
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