Loggers in Mexico may have deliberately wiped out 22 million Monarch butterflies in order to regain the use of forest land that has been set aside for a protected butterfly habitat. Monarchs migrate each year to the same area of Mexico, 70 miles west of Mexico City, from Canada and the U.S.They have been making this 3,000 mile journey for over 10,000 years.

For 5 months every year, the trees in this 216 square mile area are festooned with the orange and black butterflies. Environmentalist Homero Aridjis reported that this year loggers sprayed pesticide on them in order to regain control over the land.
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The death rate from cardiac arrest rose among young American adults in the 1990’s, despite advances in research and medicine. They were 10 percent higher in men and 32 percent higher in women.

Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly quits pumping in an organized way, stopping blood circulation. Unless victims are quickly revived by defibrillators, they soon die or suffer irreversible brain damage. It is still rare for people under 35 and accounts for only one percent of the heart attack deaths, but the trend upwards is troubling to researchers.
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NASA is trying to contact Pioneer 10, a spacecraft it launched 29 years ago, which is now 7 billion miles away. The satellite hasn’t been heard from since August and may be gone for good, its signal too far out of range to reach Earth.

“We are certainly challenging the network in trying to literally pick a bit of signal out of the noise,” said Robert Ryan of NASA. “It’s a combination of nostalgia and an engineering exercise to see how well we can do it.” They have been trying to contact it using the world’s largest radio antenna, the 1,000 foot dish at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. NASA has been transmitting signals to the spacecraft which take 21 hours and 20 minutes to make a round trip, trying to get it to “reply.”
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The following quote was taken from the Frasier TV show, aired on March 6th, 2001. Former astronaut, SenatorJohn Glenn said:

“Back in those glory days, I was very uncomfortable when they asked us to say things that I didn’t want to say, and deny other things. Some peple asked, you know, ‘Were you alone out there?’ We never gave the real answer. We’ve seen things out there, strange things. But we know what we saw out there. And we couldn’t really say anything, the bosses were scared of this. They were afraid of ‘War of the Worlds’ type stuff, about panic in the streets. And so we had to keep quiet. And now we only see these things in our nightmares or maybe in the movies. And some of them are pretty close to being the truth.”
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