After a lull in December and January, UFO reports have been increasing dramatically, according to George Filer’s UFO report, Filer’s Files.

But are UFOs real? The US Air Force says they can all be explained away. The media generally ignores them or publishes silly season stories about them. The skeptical community claims that no professional observer has ever had an unambiguous UFO sighting.

However, astronauts like Gordon Cooper, NASA engineers of the stature of the late Paul Hill and many other skilled professionals have seen UFOs and believe that they are a genuine unknown. In fact, the government’s refusal to acknowledge them is a coverup, and the media’s excessive skepticism represents a major failure of the press as an institution.
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Thirteen earthquakes, four of them registering six or more on the Richter scale, took place around the Pacific Ring of Fire on February 28, 2001. It is not unusual for this many quakes to occur worldwide in a single day, but this is a high number to be concentrated in a single quake area and, along with increasing area volcanic activity, suggests that the Ring of Fire may be entering an active phase. In addition, for four quakes in a single day to be rated as strong to very strong is unusual.

During this same period, earth’s magnetic field was in a state of disturbance, as recorded by the fluxgate magnetometer operating at the HAARP Atmospheric Observatory in Gakona, Alaska.
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The worst earthquake to strike Washington state in 52 years hit today at 10:55AM PST. Measuring 6.8 on the on Richter Scale, the quake was felt in Seattle for about 30 seconds. An earthquake of this magnitude is capable of doing serious damage.

Three people were reported seriously injured, and 17,000 homes were without power. Extensive structural damage is being reported from the quake zone. A column on the state capital building in Olympia cracked. Governor Gary Locke declared a state of emergency at 3PM PST.

The quake was extremely deep and seismologists consider that aftershocks are unlikely. Centered 35 miles south of Seattle, the jolt was felt from Portland to Salt Lake City.
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As a result of January’s devastating earthquake, water has suddenly reappeared in the middle of an arid section of India.

Water sprung up after the earthquake liquefied the clay and sand in ancient river beds. Underground water quickly rose to the surface to flood the channels.

This is an area of India that is regularly hit by earthquakes. “The Indian plate is colliding with the Asian plate, so the land is crumpling up,” says Roger Musson of the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Thousands of years ago, this dry region was a lush grassland, but over the years, all the earthquakes diverted the water and dried up the rivers, creating a barren wasteland. The latest earthquake may start to reverse this process.
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