Laboratory tests have ruled out the deadly Ebola virus as the cause of illness in a suspicious Canadian Case.

Doctors at Henderson Hospital in Hamilton, Ont. say the results show it’s unlikely that she has the disease. “From a Health Canada perspective, Ebola has been ruled out,” said Dr. Doug MacPherson, a Health Canada infectious disease specialist.

The woman remains in viral isolation due to the fact that she is still suffering severe symptoms and the cause of the disease remains undetermined.

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The hurricane season arrives in the summer, and scientists warn that stormier weather awaits us in the future. A conference of climatologists in Australia have predicted an increase in the severity of coastal storms over the next century, as sea levels rise dramatically.

Dr. John Church says that global warming will cause a rise in sea levels anywhere from 3 inches to 3 feet over the next 100 years. Higher air temperatures will also cause ocean temperatures to rise.

These factors will increase the frequency of coastal storms, increasing threats to life and property. This is of particular concern in Australia, where most of the population lives near the coast.
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The Astronomical Journal – Early astronomers reported seeing canals on Mars and now a modern group has found a mysterious dark streak on Pluto, the most distant planet in the Solar System.

Pluto is covered with nitrogen frost, containing traces of carbon dioxide ice. The dark, reddish streak just south of its equator may indicate a region where more complex molecules exist.

Pluto is so far out that some astronomers no longer think it’s a planet. Images from Pluto are small and blurred and it’s hard to see details clearly, even using the Hubble Space Telescope.

Scientists will be able to find out more when we send a space probe past Pluto, but that won’t happen until 2015 at the earliest.
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Ariel Sharon has become the new Prime Minister of Israel after a landslide win in the election today. Palestinian leaders have pledged to work with him toward peace, but there is pessimism that the peace process will continue in any meaningful way.

Palestinians said that Tuesday would be a “day of rage.” There were clashes between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli soldiers at Ramallah. The Israel Defense Force sealed off the Palestinian territories and deployed 15,000 troops.

A U.S. Army brigade equipped with Patriot anti-aircraft missiles has arrived in Israel and is preparing for what officials claim is a military exercise that will last 14 days.
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